Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chapter 3 Notes

Predictions: After, reading this chapter I had many ideas as to what will be in the next chapter. I predict that in the next chapter Curley will now be afraid of Lennie. At first, in the book he wasn't afraid of Lennie, but intimidated by Lennie’s height how Lennie was all tall and him all short. After, him witnessing what Lennie has the capability to do I don’t think Curley wants to pick any fight with Lennie. “Curley’s fist was swinging when Lennie reached for it. The next minute Curley was flopping like a fish on a line, and his closed fists was lost in Lennie’s big hand.” (Steinbeck 63.) At first Curley was the one beating Lennie up, but then Lennie was the one beating Curley up and Curley was so scared that he didn't know what to do and had to be sent to town to meet a doctor. “Curley was white shrunken by now, and his struggling had become weak.” (Steinbeck 64.) Judging by the way Curley reacted to Lennie beating him up and his hand probably being broken it looks like he won’t be messing with Lennie for a while.

Connection: Just like Candy I can relate to how his dog was killed and him probably feeling really sad inside. I remember not a long time ago I had this iPod nano that I had a bunch of music downloaded from iTunes that I would sometimes listen to. I would manly use it to listen to music at the gym or just to entertain myself when I had nothing better to do. One day I noticed that my brother had it and I said “What are you doing with my iPod?” he said “Mom gave it to me.” I was so mad that I went to my mother and started rampaging as to why he took my iPod. She said “Because you barley use it.” The statement was somewhat true so I just to my room and laid there not wanting anything, but my iPod not trying to show how much I really cared for it.

Question: While reading this chapter a question popped into my head. Why does Curley hate tall guys? I know he is small and might be intimidated by them, but that is no reason to hate a person. Curley must have had a traumatized experience with a tall guy in his past, because hating a guy like Lennie is not something one does. Lennie is nice, caring, and won’t hurt a fly unless otherwise told so. Lennie can’t even think for himself he does what one tells him to do. He is not a person you right off the bat hate him. Curley can’t just hate a guy like Lennie over his height. If he does he must have had a traumatized experience when younger to hate a guy like Lennie.

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