Thursday, March 7, 2013

Chapter 5 Notes


     In this chapter Curley's wife and Lennie got to know about each other a little more. Lennie was in the barn just looking at the puppy he killed. He killed the puppy, because the puppy looked like he was going to bite him, so Lennie slapped him and the puppy died. Curley's wife walks in just as he is about to hide the pup. She acts like she doesn't know what just happened and asks Lennie how he is doing? He doesn't want to talk to her, because George told him not to. She gets mad that Lennie won't talk to her, because George said so. She goes on rampaging how Lennie thinks she will mess things up and get him in trouble. Lennie then brings up how George, Candy, and he are going to have a house all to them. She ignores him and starts talking about how she regrets marrying Curley. How she should've joined the circus and how she could've gotten into the movies. As Lennie is rambling on about rabbits she asks him why he is so obsessed with rabbits. He reply's, because they are so soft like velvet and mice. She says that her hair is soft and that he should touch it. He does and he grabs on harder and she starts to freak out. He grabs on harder and she starts to scream and he covers her mouth, because he doesn't want people to hear her and for George to get him in trouble and not let him tend to the rabbits. Lennie ends up killing her and escapes to the brush. Candy ends up finding her and he shows George. George goes back out as though he did not do anything and Candy goes and calls all the other guys. They go to get their guns to go hunt down Lennie and shot him in the gut.


     In the next chapter I think that Curley will find Lennie and kill him and George will be an accomplice, because he will tell where Lennie is hiding. "You George! You stick with us so we don't think you had notin' to do with this." (Steinbeck 98.) When Curley said this I automatically thought that they will think that George had something to do with this. Curley will get mad that he can't find Lennie and look at George asking him if he knows where Lennie is. Curley will get it out of him he will squeeze it out of him. They will force him to tell them where Lennie is and they will find Lennie and kill him just like Curley said. 


     A connection that I can make towards the book is when Curley's wife is talking to Lennie and he is not paying attention to her, but thinking about rabbits. "She demanded, 'You listenin?' 'Me? Sure." (Steinbeck 88.) I can connect to Curley's wife on how Lennie is barely listening to her. When I talk to my friend about something that happened to me she just zones out and is in her own fairy tale land. She is thinking of something that I don't know about and just ignore me. I ask her if she is paying attention to me and she just keeps on starring out there not listening to a word I say.


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